During an interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer Donald Trump made the following comment “Dan Rather’s a loser. Dan Rather had low ratings for years,” said Trump when asked for his opinion on the former network anchorman’s $70 million lawsuit against CBS. “I used to say, whoever represents Rather does a great job, because he always was in third place, he always had terrible ratings, and they wouldn’t fire him.”
First of all I am surprised by the fact that some one asked this moron for his opinion on such an issue. Here is a guy that has a track record of having extramarital affairs, attracting and marrying young women with his money, getting almost bankrupt, last but not least annoying and disgusting calling a well respected journalist a looser. I am sure that Americans know who the real looser is.
Mr. Dump, in your quest to attain new levels of idiocy with the billions you have and the fake hair that covers the empty head we wish you all the luck. We are thrilled to see you achieve one great milestone—becoming a US Dummy.